$270,000 More Revenue

$270,000 More Revenue

$270,000 in additional revenue from 1 extra table   Some history before the facts….. EventDraw is Diagramming software for events.  Easy to use software that event planners and venues design customized event floor plans and layouts such as dinner dance,...

7 Simple Tips for Event Planners Working From Home

Do you enjoy putting together events for your friends and colleagues or helping your clients plan and run special events, such as weddings, company parties, and campaigns? Working as an event planner is a unique experience because you get to put your creative vision...
The must-have tool for event planners

The must-have tool for event planners

The time-saving tool is the perfect solution to floor plan struggles!   Designing floor plans and organising event layouts no longer has to be a chore, thanks to EventDraw, a time-saving software for event planners. To find out more about this must-have tool, A...

Mastering Event Success: The Power of Effective Table Numbering

Table numbering is an essential part of banquet planning, whether it’s for a dinner dance, a wedding, or another seated event. An assigned table number and name will be printed on a card for each guest. Each table is then given a table number, making it clear to...

Building Your Dream Team

In the world of event business, achieving success is rarely a solitary endeavor. A team of dedicated individuals working towards a common goal is required to bring a vision to life. To ensure a successful transition to EventDraw for your organization, the team you...