Are you aware that one of the most stressful professions is event planning?

Imagine that you’ve spent three to six months preparing for your biggest event. And then the big day arrives, and everything starts to go wrong.

As an experienced event planner, you may have an idea that this will happen. But it might be a surprise if this is your first event.

Event planners or even Venues have to deal with a slew of tasks at once, and the deadlines keep getting shorter. So, when it comes to a major event, many things can go awry. And as an event organizer, you need to think on your feet at all times to ensure that everything goes as planned.

Nevertheless, the pandemic came into the picture. COVID – 19 has created a new set of Event Planning pain points and frustrations for Event Planners and Venues.

Therefore, to address these pain points, you must first have a clear understanding of what they are and how to deal with them. Therefore, it’s necessary to familiarize yourself with these most common pain points and solutions for Event Planners. 

What are these Event Planner’s Pain Points, and How do you deal with them? 

Of course, the first step in dealing with problems is acknowledging that these pain points do exist.

Fees That You Don’t Know About

Assuming everything has been agreed upon and signed off on. And you’re now moving forward with your plans. And then, surprised! There’s a Hidden Fees. With these unexpected additions, your budget has suddenly skyrocketed. So how do you come up with more funds? So let’s make it a habit to read the contract T&C’s thoroughly, as they may be hidden in the fine print somewhere. Even though reading the fine print can be infuriating, it could end up saving you a lot of money in the long run. Also, don’t be hesitant to ask your suppliers and venue for additional fees over the phone or in person.  Before signing anything, explain your vision for your event and request so that they can provide you with quotes that meet your needs.

Responding times

When you have internal deadlines to meet, chasing down suppliers can be a real pain.  Plan ahead of time to give the supplier as much time as possible to prepare a response! But if the time frame for your request is short, you may be willing to accept basic information over a detailed response. Be specific.


Managing events can cause stress. External and internal pressure can be overwhelming at times. Especially with so many tasks on your plate, it’s easy to get caught up in the avalanche of emails.  But don’t forget to take a breather from time to time. Reassess, focus on, manage expectations, and ask for help if you need it. 

Understaffing an event

When it comes to events, not having enough staff is a significant issue. It’s not until the day of the event that the true extent of the problem is revealed, and no action can be taken.  Thus, Prevention is necessary to avoid this. And the best way to prevent this is to speak with key stakeholders and find out exactly what help they need on the day of the event. Things for you to remember:

  1. The roles and responsibilities of each member of the staff should be listed.
  2. Determine the number of employees required if only 25% of the guests arrive.
  3. If 75% of your attendees show up, figure out how many employees you’ll need.
  4. Consider having a few individuals on call in addition to the average number of workers you hire.

Overspending on the event is a major concern for every occasion.

The most challenging part of event planning is budgeting. So make sure you don’t spend too much money. Because so many tiny things alter or arise during the planning phase.  You can also compare to see where you can save money this time around vs. your previous events’ budgets.  But, If you’re new to event planning, don’t be hesitant to ask for data from the company’s previous gatherings.  In that way, you can get a sense of how much they spend on each event.

Failure to keep track of schedule or budget adjustments

In the event of an unexpected change in schedule or budget, you should be able to approve or reject it. When you agree to something, you must see it through to completion and adjust your plans as necessary. To ensure that no one gets lost, always follow up with key stakeholders and keep all communication on a single platform. 

Storms and Flooding

Even if it’s a beautiful, sunny day, it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to planning your event. Here are some tips for dealing with a sudden visit from Mother Nature:

  1. Always have a backup location in mind. One that allows last-minute reservations is nearby and not in high demand.
  2. Consider purchasing weather or event insurance if the event has to be postponed or cancelled due to inclement conditions. If your event sells tickets, this is crucial because guests will be entitled to a refund.

Unorganized event management

An event planning process that can be scaled up or down will benefit you. They’re the tools you’ll need to get the most out of your event and increase its chances of success. To your advantage, a wide range of free event planning software is available to try. 

Long queues

Everyone gets impatient when they’re forced to wait in long lines. When it comes to staying in line, no one enjoys it. The use of kiosks in the registration process has recently made it even more automated by empowering attendees to manage their entries on their own through event technology.

Keeping track of and analyzing data from a given event

When evaluating an event’s success, ROI is one of the most essential and practical metrics to look at. This data is critical to your team and for your past and future sponsors. There are a lot of great tools out there to help with event planning and management, from registrations and marketing to feedback and detailed reports.

Cancelled Speaker

In the event of a last-minute cancellation, event organizers should have a backup plan in place. Booking a venue, securing speakers or artists, and procuring supplies are all critical to the success of a conference or event. An event organizer’s most common mistake is failing to plan for an alternate solution. Everything that could go wrong should be dealt with on the day of the event. Remember that successful planners will always have a plan B in place in the event of a disaster.

Scheduling and Managing of Locations

Event planners face multiple challenges in venue booking that make it a significant pain point in event planning. Booking a venue can be a time-consuming and challenging process for event planners for a variety of reasons. To get the best possible deal on meeting space, event planners can use digital venue booking tools. It is also easier to find and book a venue using venue booking software. The software can also provide planners with a virtual map of the venue and information on its layout and amenities, such as audio, security, and Wi-Fi, in advance. This dramatically reduces the risk of unexpected, unanticipated costs.

Outdated with the latest software.

Planners must learn to unlearn because the rules are continually changing. It’s possible that what worked last time won’t work this time. Those in charge of planning the event must stay abreast of the most recent fashions. Not only should you buy software, but you should also buy technical support as a whole. With ever-changing technology, event organizers must choose the right software solution providers to stay on top of these trends.

Event planners face many challenges when it comes to executing events. 

The proper planning and tools, on the other hand, make it much easier to handle these. You can find software for managing events that are both affordable and effective.  Request a demo or visit our website for more information. If you want to learn more about the benefits of Event Planning Software to ensure a successful event. You can read more here.  7 Benefits of using Event Floor Diagramming Software