Putting on a successful event, there is a long and thorough list of things you must do. For most event planners, inventory management is one of the essential factors in their success. Having a good grasp of the details allows you to see the big picture and think outside the box as an event planner, reducing stress and enhancing your creativity.

Events and venues may determine the number of tables, chairs, and other items in a venue by using inventory management. The use of Inventory features can ensure that there are always sufficient venues, table settings, seating arrangements, flowers, 1AV equipment, and music for attendees.

Event planners must adapt to their guests’ requests and demands. Because of this, the diagramming software should include inventory features that can accommodate the planner’s tracking and reporting requirements.

Inventory management will help you develop your Event business, satisfy your clients, and save your expenses simultaneously.

Inventory management aims to keep inventories under control and minimize shortages or surpluses.

Here are some key inventory management features that your diagramming software should have:

Inventory Feature

Status of check-in/check-out.

Before and after each event, your event must have reliable software for checking in/checking out inventory items. Usually, because events need a wide range of supplies, chances are, you don’t know what assets you have. 

And if you don’t know what you have, you’re wasting necessary time looking for items and perhaps wasting money purchasing items that may just be misplaced.

Using Inventory Management, you and your team learn to handle some of your most expensive assets in a more responsible, effective, and dependable manner.

The planning team should all be aware of all the available items. Having an idea of what is and isn’t available is also helpful. In this way, There is no need to double-book or promise clients things that are impossible or something they can’t fulfill due to a lack of equipment.


We all know that Even the most potent equipment might break down under the pressure of a hectic event schedule. Equipment, like humans, needs a rest from time to time. In some cases, a simple upgrade is required, whereas, in others, a significant repair is necessary.

And of course, Event Planners, on the other hand, are well aware that they do not want to be caught without their most important assets at any time.

Therefore, Diagramming software with an Inventory Feature may keep track of things in stock and any maintenance procedures required to keep them operational.

Inventory Report

Just imagine how much time and money you could save by using Inventory Management. 

Not to mention that Event Diagramming software can assist you with planning, floor plans, and inventory management. 

Using inventory management software, you may keep the list up-to-date as often as necessary. That way, when it comes time to file a claim, you have all the information you need.

When planning an event, it’s critical to always be aware of your resources and where they are. Knowing what you have, where your assets are, and ensuring they’re in excellent functioning are critical aspects of event preparation. 

So when it comes to planning events, Event Diagramming Software is proven to be an essential tool.

Event organizers and venue owners may increase revenue with Event Diagramming Software. Event Diagramming Software is the must-have tool for event planners when it comes to pulling off great events.

Thanks to EventDraw, There is no longer any room for hesitation.

Event Planners and venues now have real-time visibility over their assets, including numbers, allowing them to avoid wasting money on items they already have on their inventory. 

Additional advantages include that EventDraw is cloud-based, which means that event planners may access inventory information from any location.

Do you want to learn more about what inventory features EventDraw can bring to your planning business? Well, sign up for a free Demo with EventDraw

EventDraw software does not just help you with Inventory Management, but it will also help you design floor plans and organize event layouts. 

Click here to learn more about the Benefits of EventDraw that will help you succeed in your Event.